I’m back

I guess you could say awhile ago, I was too busy to blog. Just looking at my last post and realizing it was OCTOBER is just plain madness to me. I mean, October seems SO long ago, and yet I feel like I can’t even remember what I’ve done these past 8 months because it’s gone by so quickly. Regardless, I feel like it’s time to start blogging again.

My blog was supposed to be documentation of my daily life. I wanted to ‘record’ our random doings so that my kids could have some sort of record of what their life was like … because at the rate I’m currently going, my short term memory should be completely gone within the next 10 years.

I’ve also decided that I need to take more photos of my kids. I realized this last month when I was getting ready to go to Korea and I needed to put together photo albums to take to the boys’ Foster Moms. Instead of gathering candid images from the Winter months and early Spring, I had to dress my boys and do impromptu photo shoots so I could actually have something to fill the pages of the $2 plastic photo albums I got from Target (which if you’re wondering, they hold 36 photos).

So I decided that I need to blog again. And I’m also going to ‘shoot’ (with my camera) every day. Granted, I made that decision some time last week and I’m just now doing my first blog post, and my camera hasn’t been used (except for some work stuff that was pre-scheduled). But I want to do this. I need to do this. I think it’s a fun and creative outlet for me. So hopefully I can refocus and just remind myself that this isn’t a burden, but a joy.

We’ll see how long it lasts.

One thing that I wanted to blog about was my trip to Korea. I was asked to be an Assistant Leader for an Adult Adoptee Motherland Tour to Korea. So back in May, I packed my bags and took off for two whole weeks to the Land of the Morning Calm. And it was fabulous.

I met some amazing people, visited some incredible places, and I even found out some things about my own Adoption story that I wasn’t aware of. I feel like there is SO much to say, yet I don’t know where to begin. So I guess as I dust off the ol’ blog, I’ll begin sharing some of the experiences I had while I was in Korea.

So until I get started on all of that, I’ll leave with this photo from the Kimchi Cooking Class that we attended while on the Tour. To be honest, I think the photos made the class look cooler than it actually was, but everyone had a super fun time.  Oh Korea … I really do miss you.

Kimchi Cooking Class

Natalie - June 26, 2013 - 5:05 pm

YAY! You are back. I think it’s fate that I happened to check this today. I was perusing my bookmarks and I said “what the heck! I’m going to see whats up.” POOF! Here you are! Can’t wait to hear more about whats going on :) Hope all is well, Natalie

Jenn - June 30, 2013 - 3:41 pm

Rachel!!! Great to hear an update on you! So super excited for you that you got to go to Korea – and, I’ll admit, quite jealous too 😉 I would LOOOOVE to hear all about it!!! Wish we lived close enough to hang out and chat.

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