I’m Thankful: Day 11


Okay, so I am SO thankful that I found this book! I went to Barnes & Noble to get a ‘recordable’ story book that we could put in a care package for Callahan, and they had a SUPER small selection. And then I saw THIS ONE, which turned out to be PERFECT!

I know, it looks totally lame. I thought so too, that’s why I initially passed over it. But after looking through the other books, I picked this one up last. What I discovered is that the ENTIRE book is customizable! The pages are pre-designed to hold a photo and then you can write your description and record it. Well, I think I’m just going to do my OWN thing and ‘scrapbook’ over the stuff I don’t like. I’m thinking of doing a page for each of the members in our family, the grandparents, our house, maybe his bedroom … activities we like to do … probably throw in some Christmas stuff … I’m not entirely sure … but I’m SO excited to get it all planned out!

I apologize for the poor quality photos. It was late, and I’m still trying to figure out my camera. But I think you get the basic idea. Anyway, the book is $19.95 and its in the Children’s section of Barnes & Noble. Or maybe you can find it cheaper online (I haven’t looked). I’m just excited to think that Callahan will be able to hear our voices. I also want to do a short video at some point but I’ll have to tackle that at a later time. This will definitely keep me busy for now.

Anyway – for those of you getting your Christmas care packages together, hopefully this might be a fun addition for you too!

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