I’m Thankful: Day 12

I know I’m a day late, but nevertheless, I’m thankful for all the Veterans who have fought to protect our freedom, and the freedom of others. My Grandfather on my Mom’s side was in the Marines and fought in Iwo Jima. I don’t have any memories of him, as he passed away when I was really young. But while in WWII, he kept a diary – which I’m pretty sure they weren’t supposed to do – and my cousinĀ  transcribed it, so that long after the pages have disintegrated, we still have his words preserved. I have to say … it’s an amazing diary and the stories that it holds gives such insight to what it was like during those horrible days. After reading it, I just felt even more thankful that he made it home alive to his family. There was so much tragedy, but he was spared.

So thank you to everyone who has served. Without you, who knows where we’d be today.

{this is a photo of my Grandpa}

Grace - November 12, 2011 - 8:28 pm

your grandpa was so handsome! and what an amazing keepsake for your family…wow!
p.s. i passed an award on to you on my blog!

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