

… that’s what I’ve been thinking about lately. I’ve been reading different Photography Blogs and just trying to soak up any information that I can. And one of things people talk about the most is ‘what inspires you‘ … and honestly … I’m not sure I really know. I don’t think I can actually define it right now. So thank goodness for PINTEREST! Seriously! I love that site because there is soooooo much to look at on there! I know I love dramatic things … beautiful things … but can I actually categorize it? I don’t think I can. So I think I’m going to start paying more attention to what catches my eye, and inspires me … or really, just taking the time to allow myself to do so! It’s so easy to get caught up with life being busy, so I think I’m going to make a conscious effort to feed my creative side (at least that’s what I’m hoping to do!).

One of the main things I’m learning, is that I need to take the time to practice shooting. As I’ve mentioned before, there is SO MUCH that I need to learn. There is SO MUCH I still do not understand, and I feel like often times, some of my best pictures happen ‘by chance’. Which is great in regards to me getting a picture I like, but is bad in the fact I can’t reproduce it if my life depended on it.

So I’ve decided to dedicate a few minutes each day to shooting. I know, that sounds so basic, right? But it can be really hard to find the time to do that. There’s always something else I need to be doing. But today, Claire and I took about 10 minutes while Charlie slept and I snapped away.

… sometimes things don’t go how you plan … so you switch gears a bit …

I know some of these photos are blurry … but honestly  … I don’t know if I would change them. I love her genuine smiles and that ridiculously huge puffy hat. And it was fun to just get out there and figure stuff out.

{today I used my 50mm f/1.8 lens and shot the ‘spinning’ photos in Tv mode. I need to get better at ‘stop action’ photos and I have no clue how to shoot in manual. so the goal for today was to see if I could just get some ‘stop action’ shots. so while there is still a ton more work for me to do, I’m happy with what I accomplished today}

Jill - December 14, 2011 - 5:25 am

An adoption friend of mine is a photographer and she made this e-book that she is selling to raise money for thier adoption. I got it and it is quite helpful. Thought I’d pass it on to you!

Lacey b. - December 14, 2011 - 9:53 am

That first one is my favorite! Beautiful picture! She looks so grown up in these.

I really need to get a 50mm and get back on track with my camera. I think you are doing great, can’t wait to see more.

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