I’m Thankful: Day 19

Today was the ‘Thanksgiving Feast’ at Claire’s school. It was super cute. They performed a ‘poem’ for us and then we ate food. We also had to take part in the ‘Circle of Thanks’ where we had to say what we were thankful for. I hate stuff like that. Basically all the parents said they were thankful for their kids and the school. Surprise, surprise. But someone made a killer pumpkin cheesecake, so it was all worth it.

Can you tell which kiddo is mine?

(Here’s a hint …. she’s the shortest one in the bunch … and by a lot )

But regardless of the cheesiness, I am thankful for Claire’s school. It’s so great to see her loving to learn and it takes me out of my comfort zone. Which probably isn’t a bad thing.

Leah Lemmons - November 19, 2011 - 5:45 am

I so hate my comfy zone sometimes! But then again, I love it! :)

Diana Rouse - November 19, 2011 - 3:58 pm

HI Rachel!
Can you email me? I am trying to reach you regarding the “Fill Their Stockings with Hope” event that kicks off on 11/25. I keep getting my emails kick-backed!


I’m Thankful: Day 18

I guess since the Month is almost over I can ‘hang’ until the end. Well … that is unless I change my mind again. But until that happens, I will be thankful for the delete button on my computer. Why? Because out of the 444 photos that I took (and that is NO exaggeration) I got roughly 20 that I really like. If I had used actual film, I would have wasted an incredible amount of money. So by deleting all the unusable photos, I am not reminded of how many shots I took that were epic ‘fails’. Sometimes it’s the little things that can make a world of difference.

Leah Lemmons - November 18, 2011 - 6:08 am

LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture!!

Jenny - November 18, 2011 - 9:48 am

Glad you are sticking it through with me. :) This is a great picture!

Lacey B. - November 18, 2011 - 7:43 pm

Claire is adorable in this picture! And if you could get 20 decent photos of my kids, I’d say you work miracles! =)

I’m Thankful: Day 17


I know. What am I still doing writing these things? I thought I was going to quit. But I hate thinking I’m a loser quitter. So I guess we’ll see what wins out. But today I’m thankful for a super cool friend who let me practice taking some pictures of her kiddos. For all you ‘real’ photographers out there, please know that I am in no way passing myself off as someone who knows what they’re doing. I’m still learning … and with that, means I have to practice, right? And thankfully I have some friends who are willing to be my guinea pigs!

But here’s a shot I got that I think is rather cute … I’m pretty sure there’s some rule I’m breaking in the placement of the kiddos in the photo, but we all gotta start somewhere, right?

Kristi - November 17, 2011 - 9:05 am

I love this picture. I have a picture like this my little sister took when she was just starting out. It is blown up and hanging in my hallway. It is one of my most favorite pics ever…

I’m Thankful: Day 16


I’m thankful for the ability to change my mind. Seriously. This 30 Days of Thankfulness is lame. At least it’s not meant for Blog material… FB, Yes, Blog, No. So does that make me a horrible person if I quit half way through the month? I mean, I’m bored just reading what I’m writing. And it seems like I’m always trying to come up with something when my brain is already falling asleep for the night …

So I guess I need think about this some more. Thankfully, there’s no rush.

Leah Lemmons - November 16, 2011 - 5:31 am

That’s why I didn’t do the day to day one. I’m thankful to the fullest, but to make time to sit down every.single.day. and write about what I’m thankful for? Just isn’t me! So what I plan on doing is at the end of November, write about all the things I’m thankful for. I first thought I’d find 30 things I’m grateful for. But now I’m thinking I will start making a list. So when I think of something I’m proud to say I’m thankful for, I’ll write it down and at the end of Nov. blog about it. However many things are on that list will just have to be the jist of it! :) Do whatever you feel you need to do! I do… :)

Jenny - November 17, 2011 - 1:35 pm

Girl, don’t you quit on me! The whole reason I started this was because of you. With that said, of course you can kick this thing to the curb if you want to. It’s hard coming up with something everyday, and believe me, I’m having a hard time too. All I’m going to say is that I miss reading your posts, so whether they be thankfulness posts or not, just don’t leave me hanging. :)
btw – i didn’t post a picture of my haircut because it’s totally not photo worthy. just a simple cut.

I’m Thankful: Day 15


Right now I am SOOOOO thankful for Businesses who make SUPER CLEAR directions on how to use their products. I bought some Photoshop Elements ‘Actions’ from two different companies. One Company was SUPER difficult to install … and it’s still not working … even after a few hours of trying. The second Company had really straight forward directions and everything worked after ONE TRY. Wow. Guess which Company now has my business for life?

And I tested out a few of the ‘actions’ and they’re AWESOME! Whoo-hoo!

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